Mile: 106,780
It was time for us to find some pumpkins and the selection did not disappoint!
We first went to Centerbrook Farm, run for generations by the Hipp family. They had some great gourds and some perfect pumpkins for carving.
Then we headed off to Harris Hill Farm which had the best view of the day. They also had a great hayride, a coffee truck and a bunch of animals to check out … even Tom the Turkey.
We capped it off by going to Kimberly Farm. They have a fantastic farm stand with pies, milk, deelllicccciiiiooouusssssss ice cream and lots of other yummy treats. We even got to see their larger than life cow that was made to look just like the first cow John Imberly ever owned. How cool is that?!?!?!
Of the numerous pumpkins we brought home Jackson picked the perfect one to carve. Monster truck them as usual … but he was felling spooky so he added a bat too. Check out the lit up smokestack!
Hope your adventures were just as fun!
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