Mile: 106,603
It has been a busy week. We had all kinds of mini-adventures we were able to pack in.
We were able to go to our local Farmer’s Market. Action Jackson loves his chocolate milk from Kimberly Farm. We also got some fresh apple and pears from Averill Farms. Nothing like biting into a juicy pear.
It has been awhile since Ole Red had a bath so Jackson hopped right up on the ladder and gave him (the truck that is) a nice sponge bath. He’s starting to learn that if you want to keep things for a long time you have to properly take care of them. He also just loves spraying the hose so that may have something to do with it as well!
We also hit up some of our favorite spots, West Shore Seafood and Popeyes for some ice cream. We always judge ours adventures by how awake Action Jackson is by the end of the night. In this case, he was wide asleep as soon as we got in Ole Red!
Also, we got to have dinner with Shai and Sheilia who we hadn’t seen in awhile. Shai had soem great magic tricks up his sleeve!
We can feel the sun setting earlier and a crisp chill in the air some nights. Fall is approaching for sure.
Make sure your adventures continue because there aren’t many more days of weather left like this. Hope your adventures were just as fun as ours!