Destination: Bethlehem Fair

Destination: Bethlehem Fair

Miles: 100,592

This is one of the those days when you realize summer is nearing its end and soon the fall weather will be on its way… but for now we’ll enjoy the blue skies and warmth of the sun! We started the day off with some munchkins and donuts to fuel up for a quick haircut for Action Jackson. Then it was off to Bethlehem Fair! But before we got there we took the scenic route and stopped by Toplands Farm in Roxbury, CT. They have one of the largest antique farm machinery collections in New England and will have an Open House soon! It was a great time at the Fair! We got to eat too much food, see a bunch of animals (none pooped on us … this time) and topped it off with rides, ice cream and a lil face painting! We always measure the success of our mission by Jackson’s ride home. As you can tell … another success! Until the next one …

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