Chase the Last Day of Summer

Chase the Last Day of Summer

Mile: 106,631

We know there aren’t many more days left like there was on this day last week. There was a breeze in the air, the sun was shining and by the end of our adventure it was just chilly enough for sweatshirts. Before you know it we will be picking out a Christmas Tree and Action Jackson will be writing out his wish list for Santa.

We chased the sunset all the way to Southbury for a roadside stand called Denmo’s. Denmo’s has been in existence for a looonnnngggg time and my fond memories of going there as a kid a few times has made this a somewhat frequent stopping point for us on our adventures.

On our way we got to see a bunch of flags and were quick enough to snag a few pics. For the Fourth of July I made a playlist of patriotic songs and Jackson has taken a liking to them so it felt pretty good as we were listening to Ray Charles singing America the Beautiful to see all these flags. We Ar trying to instill in Jackson what America is all about. In our mind, it is coming together no matter the color of your skin or your political beliefs and working together for the betterment of all. That those who work hard and do good will be rewarded. That being working hard and being rewarded you then have the opportunity to do good for others who may not a hand up not a hand out. That we should say hi to all those we see, that we should smile often and be thankful for the freedoms and opportunity that we have.

Ironically, on our way there we passed by Chainsaws Unlimited. This was one of my stomping grounds when I had a little landscaping business in high school and through college to help with the bills and I used to buy all of my equipment there. Great memories of hard work paying off early in life and setting the stage for the future!

Action Jackson got his favorite, chicken fingers with honey mustard and washed it down with some chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. No better drink in my mind than ice cream. 🙂

As fate would have it my bus driver, Mrs. Finch, was there as well. Mrs. Finch was my bus driver from Kindergarten all the way through high school. I remember she almost never missed a day of work. Heather asked her how I and the other kids was on the bus… she said, “I only wanted to throw them in the River a few times.” I’ll take that as a positive. We reminisced about how no matter the weather we would still have school. Heck, back then they threw chains on the bus. Now at the littlest bit of snow, school is canceled.

I almost forgot … I love the sign in Roxbury now where people have been blowing through the stop sign. It says, “really, you have to stop.” I feel like we need to heed those words more in life. With technology and our tablets and our phones we are constantly on and, “really, you have to stop,” and see all that is there to offer in this wonderful world and learn to enjoy it, like we used to.

Hope your adventures were just as fun as ours. Be sure to like or follow our page so we can keep you up to date on our adventures. We have some neat things planned for Ole Red for Christmas. Stay tuned!

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