Apple Fritter

Apple Fritter

Mile: 106,940

The leaves are falling and there is a crispness in the air. So Jackson and I are in love with these Apple Fritters they have at the local fairs.

We did a little investigation and found out they setup shop at Tonn’s Marketplace in Burlington, CT. Tonn’s s a great store with all kinds of fresh stuff and farm animals for the kids to see. They also had a haybale maze!

We set out on a beautiful day for Operaton Apple Fritter. It was a great hour long ride and our patience paid off with bags and bags of Apple Fritters. Plus Jackson got to have some Orange Soda but a small batch bottling plant. Needless to say he loved it.

On the way back I got to live back through high school sports history passing through many of the Town and seeing many of the fields I used to play in. It was a hunch of great memories just like I know one day these will be as well!

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