Just Another Adventure

Just Another Adventure

Mile: 103,108
Quite the day for Action Jackson. It started off rather quietly picking up some coffee for mom at Dunkin. However, we got a call from Papa that he was coming up to our house to take away some dirt tha had been stockpiled in our yard. Needless to say, Jackson eyes lit up like at Christmas time!

We had some very important assistance we needed to provide … follow the loader! I haven’t seen Jackson that excited in quite some time…. until Papa got to the house in the triangle dump truck and Jackson and him took several trips in it. The Cheshire Cat grin could not be hidden!

It was then on to our buddy’s car show, the 5th Annual Wheels for Wheels car show with Sean Quigg. Sean is one of our families inspirations. He recents started a non-profit (http://wheelsforwheels.com) where he raises money for wheelchair bound peeps who need assistance with mobility, whether it be a wheel chair, van, etc. This show was thrown some curveballs with Covid and a last minute location change but it was his best year ever! We got to see some awesome classic cars and one year we might even throw Ole Red in the show!

We even got to sneak in a little time on the playground!

It was then off to West Shore Seafood in Bantam, Connecticut. We had heard people rave about it but never been. It did not disappoint! Check it out if you are in the area. We know fall is approaching because the air was crisp and cool.

After that …. Action Jackson needed ice cream of course!!!!!!! Off to Popey’s where he was able to run in to his buddies Cole and Grace and their grandparents.

It was another action-packed day of adventures and needless to say Jackson slept in! That’s ok though. Sometimes we just need to experience life one day at a time as it happens and when life throws us a curve ball roll with it! You’ll likely realize it turns out even better!

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