Bethlehem Fair

Bethlehem Fair

Mile 106,580

We picked Action Jackson up at school and told him we were ready for his next adventure and asked him what did he want to choose: Fair or Food? He said Fair and Food at the Fair! Sounded like a good choice to us so off to the Bethlehem Fiar it was

We got to see all kinds of things, hugggeeee pumpkins, all kinds of veggies both large and perfect, all kinds of crafts made by kids, photography and so much more.

The animal barns were full of energy with animals of all sizes from a few days old to the elders of the farm family. We also got to watch the mini-pony pull which Jackson loved to watch.

One of the newer things at fairs in our area is the lumberjack competition from local area high schools. 3 high schools have “Timber Teams” and compete against each other. It was nice to see their teamwork and a lesson to Jackson on working together.

It was a little blustery up o the hill as night approached so Heather was able to get an official Bethlehem Fair hoodie. Hope your adventure today was as fun as ours!

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